Anatomy of a Clip: Making the Cut for Time Magazine
From cars to careers, publications seem to be ranking everything in lists. Despite the ubiquitousness of lists, being ranked in the right outlet’s list does wonders for reputations. Especially if that outlet is the one that compiles an annual list of the world’s most influential people – Time Magazine.
Being in the top “10”, “50”, or “100” of anything can be daunting and seemingly out of reach, so how do you crack the list? Play to your strengths. That is what we did for client File This, an electronic filing service that also has a beautifully designed website.
When we heard that Time Magazine was putting together a top website list, we thought File This would be a great fit, and it was! Now File This has been featured on Time Magazine’s website and in a special print edition that will be on display until February 2015.
Read the full article online here:
Connect FileThis to the various services you use each month — banking, credit cards, utilities and the like — and it’ll automatically pull in your statements and paperwork from each one, storing it all for you online, on your computer or in one of several popular cloud-based storage services. There’s a free plan that connects to six services, with 12- and 30-connection plans running between $2 and $5 per month.